Światowy Dzień Onkologii obchodzony jest 4 października i ma na celu zwiększenie świadomości na temat nowotworów, profilaktyki, diagnozowania oraz leczenia chorób onkologicznych
[PL] Dysertacja Dietla wymyka się ze stereotypu prac medycznych w epoce, w której powstawała, łamie sztampę rozpraw doktorskich – zarówno w wiedeńskim, jak i w innych uniwersytetach europejskich.
In psychology and psychotherapy, the term separation is used in a much broader sense than colloquially and is understood as a mental process. The processes of separation accompany a person throughout their life and are necessary for the transition from one developmental stage to the next.
From managing social media stress to dealing with pandemics and other events beyond your control, this fully revised and updated edition of The Anxiety Workbook for Teens has the tools you need to put anxiety in its place.
25 Million Sparks takes readers inside the Za'atari refugee camp to follow the stories of three courageous Syrian women entrepreneurs
This is the first book of its kind that calls attention to an important fact: parents can make a tremendous impact on their child through behavioral practices taught at home.