Book cover Efektywność i skuteczność interwencji wspierających finansowo banki systemowo ważne w latach 2008–2014 w Stanach Zjednoczonych i krajach strefy euro

Efektywność i skuteczność interwencji wspierających finansowo banki systemowo ważne w latach 2008–2014 w Stanach Zjednoczonych i krajach strefy euro

Pages: 346 Book format: 15,8x23,5 cm Publication date: 2024

Book description

The global financial crisis of 2007-2009 revealed a range of risks to the financial system associated with the activities of systemically important financial institutions. Due to their size, internal connections, complexity, and cross-border operations, they generated systemic risk. This prompted public authorities to provide unprecedented public assistance. The high costs of interventions undertaken to stabilize these institutions drew attention to the issue of the efficiency and effectiveness of these actions. This study expands on this issue. 

The aim of the monograph is to discuss the mechanisms of stabilizing systemically important banks during the crisis of 2007-2009, and then to compare the efficiency and effectiveness of public intervention programs conducted in the United States and the Eurozone countries from 2008 to 2014. To achieve the objective of the study and verify the research hypotheses, literature studies were used, an empirical database containing financial indicators of systemically important banks from the United States and the Eurozone that received public assistance in 2008-2014 was developed, and econometric models were created to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of public assistance. 

The monograph consists of five chapters. The first four chapters constitute the theoretical part, which discusses the issue of financial stability, characterizes systemic risk and systemically important financial institutions, identifies the causes of the global financial crisis of 2007-2009, and the mechanisms of crisis transmission to the Eurozone countries. The monograph also covers the mechanisms of stabilizing systemically important banks and describes public intervention programs directed at systemically important banks in 2008-2014 in the United States and the Eurozone countries. 

The empirical part of the study includes the identification of criteria for assessing the efficiency and effectiveness of public aid and the selection of indicators for the construction of econometric models. In the next step, empirical data were collected, and case studies of systemically important banks that received public aid in 2008-2014 in the United States and the euro area were prepared, which enabled the conduct of the study and the evaluation of intervention programs
Language Polish
Title in English Efficiency and effectiveness of the financial assistance for systemically important banks in the United States and Eurozone countries from 2008-2014
Edition first
Authors Alicja Szyszko
Cover design Sebastian Wojnowski
ISBN: 978-83-233-5466-6
e-ISBN (pdf): 978-83-233-7640-8
Country of producer: Poland

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