The monograph contributes to the discussion on the use of objects in contemporary Polish choreographic works and introduces potential ontologies of objects that emerge from these practices. The author's aim is to outline this issue through the example of three artists associated with the contemporary dance scene: Aleksandra Borys, Iza Szostak, and Magdalena Ptasznik. Simultaneously, the study is dedicated to constructing an appropriate methodology based on the latest philosophical trends focused on the categories of objects and matter, which would enable a deeper understanding of the specific artistic projects of the aforementioned choreographers, while also highlighting the differences between them. The author draws on Karen Barad's theory of agential realism to explain the transient, unstable nature of objects in Borys' works; Graham Harman's object-oriented ontology to emphasize the posthumanist dimension of Szostak's creations; and the speculative thought of Quentin Meillassoux and Isabelle Stengers to explore the development of artistic forms in Ptasznik's practice.
Title in EnglishDo objects move? Ontology of the object in the choreographies by Aleksandra Borys, Iza Szostak and Magdalena Ptasznik