323 Magdalena Zdrodowska, Ewelina Twardoch-Raś – Introduction: Technology between Empowerment and Exclusion
329 Octavian Robinson – Puppets, Jesters, Memes, and Benevolence Porn: The Spectacle of Access
345 Michael E. Skyer – Power in Deaf Pedagogy and Curriculum Design: Multimodality in the Digital Environments of Deaf Education (DE2)
382 Ewelina Twardoch-Raś – Feeding the Algorithm? Strategies of Technosensation in Artistic Project Based on Bio-Parametrisation’s Techniques
404 Agnieszka Urbańczyk – Finding a Dead Dove in the Refrigerator. The Anti-Shippers’ Call for Exclusion of Sensitive Content as a Means of Establishing Position in the Field
of Fan Production
421 Piotr Zawojski – Writing of Light or Writing of Shade? Jacques Derrida on Photography
445 Barbara Cyrek, Malwina Popiołek – Trash Streaming: Characteristics and Methodological Guidelines
459 Kamila Albin – From Braille Code to Smart Book Readers: Technology as a Tool for Reading Emancipation of the Visually Impaired Persons
476 Wojciech Figiel – Disability and (Dis)empowering Technologies: The Case of Blind Translators
492 Kamil Wrzeszcz – Liberackość książek dla dzieci
510 Zofia nierodzińska – Od instytucji krytycznej do sojuszniczej