W listopadzie 2000 roku w Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim powstała, w wyniku przekształcenia Międzywydziałowego Zakładu Historii i Kultury Żydów w Polsce, Katedra Judaistyki, która weszła w skład Wydziału Historycznego.
Mając na uwadze rozwój tego nowego kierunku studiów, podjęto decyzję, aby powołać międzynarodowe czasopismo poświęcone głównym aspektom studiów żydowskich.
W periodyku, który ukazuje się jako rocznik, publikowane są zarówno artykuły, jak i recenzje, głównie po angielsku, ale materiały w języku niemieckim i francuskim także są akceptowane.
Historical and Chronological Observations on Josephus’s Account of Seleucid History in Antiquities 13.365-371: Its Importance for Understanding the Historical Development of the Hasmonean State
Kenneth Atkinson
The Propaganda of the Jewish Rebels of 66-70 C.E. according to their Coins
Michaël Girardin
The Impact of the Barbarian Invasions on the Jews of Roman Italy: New Perspectives
Samuele Rocca
Targum Onkelos and Torah Scroll from the Collections of Francesco Petrarch: A Paleographic and Linguistic Background
Przemysław D. Dec
Progressive Preacher Szymon Dankowicz (1834-1910). A Study in the History of Progressive Judaism in Partitioned Polish Lands
Alicja Maślak-Maciejewska
Jewish Barristers and the Jewish Bar as Described by the Anti-Semitic Weekly Rola
Agnieszka Friedrich
An Annotated Translation of Pinchas Szerman’s Poilishe Khazones in Fargangenheitun Tzukunft, [The Polish Cantorate in the Past and the Future,] 1924
Benjamin Matis
A Case Study of Radical Assimilation in Poland. The Family Markusfeld
Paweł Jasnowski
The Herman Hescheles House of the Poor Israelites in Lvov. History of the Facility until 1939
Anna Jakimyszyn-Gadocha
Jews in Cracovian municipal council in the Polish Second Republic (1918-1939). Some general remarks
Hanna Kozińska-Witt
“At the Outset of the Day”: Mystical Aspects of Clothing and Books in the Work of S. Y. Agnon
Nitza Davidovitch
Memory and Neighborhood: Poles and Poland in Jewish American Fiction after World War Two, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang 2013, 170 pp.ISBN 978-3631639092(Brygida Gasztold)
Brygida Gasztold
Literackie podsumowania: polsko-hebrajskie, polsko-izraelskie -R. Löw , [Literature summaries: Polish-Hebrew, Polish-Israeli - R. Löw], (“Przełomy -Pogranicza.” Studia Literackie VIII), Białystok 2014, 256 pp. ISBN 978836401132) (Łukasz Tomasz Sroka)
Łukasz T. Sroka
Polskie korzenie Izraela. Wprowadzenie do tematu. Wybór źródeł [The Polish Roots of Israel. Introduction to the Subject. Selection of Sources], Wydawnictwo Austeria, Kraków - Budapest 2015, 710 pp., b/w ill. ISBN 978-83-7866-177-1 (Kondrad Meus)
Konrad Meus
Les Juifs et le Maghreb. Fonctions sociales d’une littérature d’exile, Collection « Migrations », Tours, Presses Universitaires François-Rabelais 2016, 330 pp. ISBN 978-2-86906-408-9 (Maciej Tomal)
Maciej Tomal
Socio-anthropologie des judaïsmes contemporains, « Bibliothèque d’études juives », Paris, Honoré Champion 2015, 368 pp. ISBN 978-2-74532-801-4 (Ewa Tartakowsky)
Ewa Tartakowsky
Historical and Chronological Observations on Josephus’s Account of Seleucid History in Antiquities 13.365-371: Its Importance for Understanding the Historical Development of the Hasmonean State
Kenneth Atkinson
The Propaganda of the Jewish Rebels of 66-70 C.E. according to their Coins
Michaël Girardin
The Impact of the Barbarian Invasions on the Jews of Roman Italy: New Perspectives
Samuele Rocca
Targum Onkelos and Torah Scroll from the Collections of Francesco Petrarch: A Paleographic and Linguistic Background
Przemysław D. Dec
Progressive Preacher Szymon Dankowicz (1834-1910). A Study in the History of Progressive Judaism in Partitioned Polish Lands
Alicja Maślak-Maciejewska
Jewish Barristers and the Jewish Bar as Described by the Anti-Semitic Weekly Rola
Agnieszka Friedrich
An Annotated Translation of Pinchas Szerman’s Poilishe Khazones in Fargangenheitun Tzukunft, [The Polish Cantorate in the Past and the Future,] 1924
Benjamin Matis
A Case Study of Radical Assimilation in Poland. The Family Markusfeld
Paweł Jasnowski
The Herman Hescheles House of the Poor Israelites in Lvov. History of the Facility until 1939
Anna Jakimyszyn-Gadocha
Jews in Cracovian municipal council in the Polish Second Republic (1918-1939). Some general remarks
Hanna Kozińska-Witt
“At the Outset of the Day”: Mystical Aspects of Clothing and Books in the Work of S. Y. Agnon
Nitza Davidovitch
Memory and Neighborhood: Poles and Poland in Jewish American Fiction after World War Two, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang 2013, 170 pp.ISBN 978-3631639092(Brygida Gasztold)
Brygida Gasztold
Literackie podsumowania: polsko-hebrajskie, polsko-izraelskie -R. Löw , [Literature summaries: Polish-Hebrew, Polish-Israeli - R. Löw], (“Przełomy -Pogranicza.” Studia Literackie VIII), Białystok 2014, 256 pp. ISBN 978836401132) (Łukasz Tomasz Sroka)
Łukasz T. Sroka
Polskie korzenie Izraela. Wprowadzenie do tematu. Wybór źródeł [The Polish Roots of Israel. Introduction to the Subject. Selection of Sources], Wydawnictwo Austeria, Kraków - Budapest 2015, 710 pp., b/w ill. ISBN 978-83-7866-177-1 (Kondrad Meus)
Konrad Meus
Les Juifs et le Maghreb. Fonctions sociales d’une littérature d’exile, Collection « Migrations », Tours, Presses Universitaires François-Rabelais 2016, 330 pp. ISBN 978-2-86906-408-9 (Maciej Tomal)
Maciej Tomal
Socio-anthropologie des judaïsmes contemporains, « Bibliothèque d’études juives », Paris, Honoré Champion 2015, 368 pp. ISBN 978-2-74532-801-4 (Ewa Tartakowsky)
Ewa Tartakowsky
Historical and Chronological Observations on Josephus’s Account of Seleucid History in Antiquities 13.365-371: Its Importance for Understanding the Historical Development of the Hasmonean State
Kenneth Atkinson
The Propaganda of the Jewish Rebels of 66-70 C.E. according to their Coins
Michaël Girardin
The Impact of the Barbarian Invasions on the Jews of Roman Italy: New Perspectives
Samuele Rocca
Targum Onkelos and Torah Scroll from the Collections of Francesco Petrarch: A Paleographic and Linguistic Background
Przemysław D. Dec
Progressive Preacher Szymon Dankowicz (1834-1910). A Study in the History of Progressive Judaism in Partitioned Polish Lands
Alicja Maślak-Maciejewska
Jewish Barristers and the Jewish Bar as Described by the Anti-Semitic Weekly Rola
Agnieszka Friedrich
An Annotated Translation of Pinchas Szerman’s Poilishe Khazones in Fargangenheitun Tzukunft, [The Polish Cantorate in the Past and the Future,] 1924
Benjamin Matis
A Case Study of Radical Assimilation in Poland. The Family Markusfeld
Paweł Jasnowski
The Herman Hescheles House of the Poor Israelites in Lvov. History of the Facility until 1939
Anna Jakimyszyn-Gadocha
Jews in Cracovian municipal council in the Polish Second Republic (1918-1939). Some general remarks
Hanna Kozińska-Witt
“At the Outset of the Day”: Mystical Aspects of Clothing and Books in the Work of S. Y. Agnon
Nitza Davidovitch
Memory and Neighborhood: Poles and Poland in Jewish American Fiction after World War Two, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang 2013, 170 pp.ISBN 978-3631639092(Brygida Gasztold)
Brygida Gasztold
Literackie podsumowania: polsko-hebrajskie, polsko-izraelskie -R. Löw , [Literature summaries: Polish-Hebrew, Polish-Israeli - R. Löw], (“Przełomy -Pogranicza.” Studia Literackie VIII), Białystok 2014, 256 pp. ISBN 978836401132) (Łukasz Tomasz Sroka)
Łukasz T. Sroka
Polskie korzenie Izraela. Wprowadzenie do tematu. Wybór źródeł [The Polish Roots of Israel. Introduction to the Subject. Selection of Sources], Wydawnictwo Austeria, Kraków - Budapest 2015, 710 pp., b/w ill. ISBN 978-83-7866-177-1 (Kondrad Meus)
Konrad Meus
Les Juifs et le Maghreb. Fonctions sociales d’une littérature d’exile, Collection « Migrations », Tours, Presses Universitaires François-Rabelais 2016, 330 pp. ISBN 978-2-86906-408-9 (Maciej Tomal)
Maciej Tomal
Socio-anthropologie des judaïsmes contemporains, « Bibliothèque d’études juives », Paris, Honoré Champion 2015, 368 pp. ISBN 978-2-74532-801-4 (Ewa Tartakowsky)
Ewa Tartakowsky
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