Table of Contents, Reviews

Prze-pisać taneczny modernizm: sieci / Re-writing Dance Modernism: Networks

Edited by: Julia Hoczyk, Wojciech Klimczyk

Book format: 15,8x23,5 cm Publish date: 30.12.2022 Publication date: 31.03.2023

Book description

Dance modernism is not only a part of cultural history. It is also, perhaps above all, a multicolored reference for thinking about the dancing body’s past and presence as well as its many practices. Finally, dance modernism is a story of modern longings and anxieties. The story has been constantly re-written, with a growing awareness of its global and collective character. An outcome of a meeting between dance historians and practitioners, this book is an example of said awareness.

Abour editors

Julia Hoczyk is a theater scholar, dance critic and theorist, and editor. A graduate of the Aleksander Zelwerowicz National Academy of Dramatic Art in Warsaw, she has published critical texts for Didaskalia, Teatr, Opcje, and; her academic papers have been included in several post-conference publications. Between 2005 and 2010, she was the editor of the Scena periodical on theater culture and education; from 2008 to 2011, she served in the samecapacity for the Kultura Enter online monthly; between 2011 and 2018, she was the editor-in-chief of the website, run by the National Institute of Music and Dance, which reports on, promotes, and documents dance (she is currently a member of the editorial team). Her research interests include corporeality and gender in Polish and international contemporary dance. She gives guest lectures and conducts meetings on contemporary dance and butoh. Between 2010 and 2015, she taught contemporary dance analysis and supervised undergraduate theses on the subject at the National Academy of Dramatic Art in Warsaw. In 2019, she realized the curatorial project Around dance, choreography, performance – different approaches to contemporary dance at the Center for Dance Art in Warsaw. She works in the Publishing and Documentation Department of the National Institute of Music and Dance.

Prof. dr hab. Wojciech Klimczyk, Jagiellonian University is a dance scholar whose research centers around the social and political role of dance. He is the author of Erotyzm ponowoczesny [Postmodern Eroticism] (Universitas 2008), Wizjonerzy ciała. Panorama współczesnego teatru tańca [Visionaries of the Body. Panorama of Contemporary Dance Theatre] (Haart 2010) and Wirus mobilizacji. Taniec a kształtowanie się nowoczesności 1455-1795, vol. I-II (Universitas 2015) (reprinted in English as The Virus of Mobilization: Dance and the Shaping of Modernity 1455-1795 (WUJ 2020)). He works at the Centre for Comparative Studies of Civilizations at the Jagiellonian University. He spent nearly a decade as a member of the Harakiri Farmers artistic collective working at the intersection of contemporary dance and theater. His collaborations as a dance dramaturge include Andre Gingras, Kirstine Ilum Soerensen, Marta Wolowiec and Poernim Gobardhan.
Language Polish, English
Edition first
Cover design Marta Jaszczuk
ISBN: 978-83-233-4974-7
e-ISBN (pdf): 978-83-233-7369-8

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