Wykaz skrótów – List of abbreviations VII
Artykuły – Articles
Paweł Wiązek (University of Wrocław), Between Democracy and Ochlocracy in the Context of the Centuries-Old Dispute about the Perfect Form of Government: The Legal Heritage of the Antiquity in View of the Challenges of Modernity 353
Tadeusz Kopyś (Jagiellonian University in Kraków), The Crown of St. Stephen as a Symbol of Legal Continuity and Hungarian Constitutionalism (Historical Background) 369
Kazimierz Baran (Podhale State Vocational University in Nowy Targ), The Component of Respublica Romanorum in the Constitutional Heritage of Nobiliary Polish-Lithuanian Republic (16th through 18th Centuries) 389
Norbert Varga (University of Szeged), The Practice of Supervisory Rights in Hungarian Cartel Law with Special Attention to the Duties of the Minister and the Legal Director 401
Michal Šejvl (University of West Bohemia), Fundamental Rights in Czechoslovakia between 1920 and 1938: Their Doctrinal Theorizing and Judicial Application 413
Edycje źródłowe – Editions of primary sources
Marian Mikołajczyk (Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach), Grzegorz Nancka (Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach), Nieznane protokoły posiedzeń podkomisji prawa o stosunkach z pokrewieństwa i opieki Komisji Kodyfikacyjnej Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej z 1939 roku (część II) (Lost Minutes of the Sittings of the Sub-commission on the Law on Kinship and Care Relationships of the Codification Commission of the Republic of Poland in 1939 (part II)) 413
Kronika wydarzeń naukowych – Chronicle of scholarly events Balázs Rigó (Eötvös Loránd University), Events and Books in the Sphere of the
Study of Legal and Constitutional History in Hungary in 2020–2021 – A Historiographic Outline 465
Jens Van Paemel (KU Leuven), Legal History Research in Belgium (2021) 481
Adriana Švecová (Trnava University in Trnava), Ingrid Lanczová (Trnava University in Trnava), Chronicle of Scholarly Events in Legal History Held in the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic in 2021 485
Roman Shandra (Ivan Franko Lviv National University), A Brief Review of Scholarly Events in Legal History in Ukraine in 2021 489
Ingrid Lanczová (Trnava University in Trnava), Slovak Legal History – a Nonexhaustive Overview of Active Researchers 493