Table of Contents, Reviews

Applying the Constitution of the Republic of Poland in Horizontal Relations

Pages: 154 Book format: B5 Publication date: 2015 Publication date: 19.11.2015

Book description

There is no doubt in contemporary jurisprudence that constitutional norms, including those that enshrine rights and freedoms, not only determine the shape of the relations between an individual and the state (so-called vertical relations), but also influence relations between private entities (so-called horizontal relations). This is so, because private law may not be formed independently of the constitution, which has the supreme legal force, while relations between private entities may not be entirely detached from the rights guaranteed by the state to the parties to these relations. In view of the foregoing, for several decades now, in the legal literature of a number of countries references have been made to the horizontal application of constitutional rights, their horizontal dimension or their horizontal effect.

Despite volumes of research on the subject, the problem of the horizontal effect of constitutional rights continues to enjoy steadfast interest in Western literature, as evidenced by the recent collective studies that analyze this issue from a comparative perspective. These collective works have failed, however, to present the approach of Polish jurisprudence and judicature. Although the problem of the horizontal application of constitutional rights has so far been only sporadically taken up in the Polish legal literature, the Constitution of the Republic of Poland is applied in the judicature and influences the shape of private relations. Polish courts also adopt solutions specific to  the particular models for the horizontal application of constitutional rights, although they do not explicitly refer to the models. This inspired Monika Florczak-Wątor (Department of  Constitutional Law, Jagiellonian University in Cracow) to initiate research on the problem of the horizontal effect of constitutional rights, the results of which have been presented in a monograph Horyzontalny wymiar praw konstytucyjnych (Jagiellonian University Press, Cracow 2014).

This book is an abbreviated version of that monograph, and its purpose is to make the results of her research known to English-speaking readers and to disseminate the approach of the Polish judicature and jurisprudence on the horizontal effect of individual rights beyond the boundaries of Poland. This book has been written in the framework of the research project ‘The horizontal dimension of the constitutional rights in a comparative perspective’ financed by the Foundation for Polish Science.
ISBN: 978-83-233-4017-1
e-ISBN (pdf): 978-83-233-9319-1


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