Book cover Translacje teorii

Translacje teorii

Derrida, Barthes, Said i Butler po polsku


Pages: 346 Book format: 15,8x23,5 cm Publication date: 2024 Publication date: 01.07.2024

Book description

The book is based on a very interesting idea. The author chooses to analyse exemplary translations of well-known texts by eminent theorists in the humanities (Derrida, Barthes, Said, and Butler). The approach is broad and fully comprehensive in terms of the selection of texts to be analyzed and references. The overall composition is without reservation; the analyses of individual translations are meticulous and thoroughly exhaustive. […] The author has developed her own original model for describing translations, which guarantees her a unique place among the authors of other works devoted to similar issues. I am convinced that the book will be of great use to both translation scholars and translators of theory; it may be of use also to literary scholars, especially literary theorists, as well as cultural theorists.
Prof. dr. hab. Adam Dziadek

The book deals with the field of criticism and reception of the translation of theoretical discourse in the humanities. The vast and multidimensional problem of theory’s travels between different languages and academic cultures has, by necessity, been narrowed down to the reception of Western, French- and English-language, post-structuralist thought in the Polish humanistic discourse of the last four decades. […] The author examines the differences in the degree of comprehensibility and coherence between the original theoretical texts and their Polish translations, as well as the differences between translations and retranslations. She reconstructs the motivations behind the particular translational solutions as well as their theoretical and interpretive implications for the development of ideas within the given target texts or a series of translations and retranslations.
Dr hab. Tamara Brzostowska-Tereszkiewicz, prof. IBL PAN 

The dissertation contains exceptionally rich material, meticulously collected by the author, and the studies of individual texts yield excellent observations and interpretative discoveries. [...] The work reveals fascinating issues concerning the dynamics of terminology creation, the translation-original relationship in terms of transferring ideas, the role and power of the target context, as well as the models of academic discourse, their durability, and variability over time.
Dr hab. Magda Heydel, prof. UJ

About the Author

Weronika Szwebs - Assistant Professors at Department of 20th-Century Literature, Literary Theory and the Art of Translation, Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznań, Poland)
Language Polish
Title in English Translation of Theory. Derrida, Barthes, Said and Butler in Polish
Edition first
Authors Weronika Szwebs
Cover design Agnieszka Mitoraj
ISBN: 978-83-233-5373-7
e-ISBN (pdf): 978-83-233-7556-2
Country of producer: Poland

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