Book cover Cyfrowa socjologia jakościowa

Cyfrowa socjologia jakościowa

Odkrywanie językowego obrazu świata życia codziennego

Pages: 554 Book format: 15,8x23,5 cm Publication date: 2024 Publication date: 29.11.2024

Book description

Digital Qualitative Sociology offers a unique perspective on the everyday life of the local community of Komancza, viewed through the prism of natural language analysis. The author's innovative use of advanced methods of narrative analysis reveals how language shapes our understanding of the world and reality. Through the analysis of biographical and narrative interviews gathered during field research, the author demonstrates the application of computerized analysis in unveiling the life world embedded in language. This approach not only helps us to construct, represent, and structure our surrounding lifeworld, but also uncovers the hidden meanings of words, thereby categorizing and making sense of reality. This distinctive blend of humanistic sensibility and digital technology enables the exploration of semantics and hidden cultural codes of human experience in everyday narratives.

This interdisciplinary publication shows a new way of thinking about qualitative research methodology, combining approaches from the humanities, computer science and social sciences. Grzegorz Bryda takes the reader on a journey through the methodology of linguistic-cognitive analysis of life-world narratives in qualitative sociology, which integrates methods of computer-assisted qualitative data analysis (CAQDAS) with new information technologies such as computational linguistics, natural language processing and artificial intelligence language models. The author introduces these technologies and shows how they can enrich and improve traditional approaches to qualitative data analysis while inspiring the reader to broaden their horizons and view the contemporary field of qualitative research through the lens of digital reality.

This monograph is a practical guide for those interested in modern qualitative sociology. It is a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners involved in qualitative data analysis, offering innovative digital methods based on artificial intelligence and natural language analysis. By applying the insights from this publication, readers can enhance their analytical workshop and gain a deeper understanding of human behaviour, experiences, and narratives. The straightforward explanation of advanced techniques and presentation of tools make this monograph a must-have for both experienced researchers and newcomers to digital qualitative sociology.

About Author

Grzegorz Bryda - a sociologist and methodologist, head of the CAQDAS TM Lab, and an assistant professor at the Institute of Sociology at Jagiellonian University. He is an experienced researcher in the fields of sociology and digital humanities. His expertise includes the theory and methodology of social research, computer-assisted analysis of qualitative and mixed data, and natural language processing using artificial intelligence algorithms in qualitative sociology
Language Polish
Title in English Digital qualitative sociology. Discovering the linguistic worldview of everyday life
Edition first
Authors Grzegorz Bryda
Cover design Marta Jaszczuk
ISBN: 978-83-233-5435-2
e-ISBN (pdf): 978-83-233-7609-5

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