This authoritative guide has been completely revised and expanded with over 90% new material in a new step-by-step format. It details how, when, and why therapists can make best use of each chapter in Mind Over Mood, Second Edition (MOM2), in individual, couple, and group therapy. Christine A. Padesky's extensive experience as a CBT innovator, clinician, teacher, and consultant is reflected in 100+ pages of compelling therapist–client dialogues that vividly illustrate core CBT interventions and management of challenging dilemmas. Fully updated, the book offers research-based guidance on the use of MOM2 to treat anxiety disorders, depression, anger, guilt, shame, relationship problems, and personality disorders. Invaluable therapy tips, real-life scenarios, and troubleshooting guides in each chapter make this the essential MOM2 companion for novice and experienced therapists alike. Reproducible Reading Guides show how to sequence MOM2 chapters to target specific moods. First edition title: Clinician’s Guide to Mind Over Mood.
About Authors
Christine A. Padesky, PhD, clinical psychologist, co-founder of the Center for Cognitive Therapy in Huntington Beach, California. She is the co-author of six books and a world-renowned lecturer. She received, among others: Award named after Aaron T. Beck for significant and lasting contributions to the field of cognitive therapy.
Dennis Greenberger, PhD, a clinical psychologist, is founder and Director of the Anxiety and Depression Center in Newport Beach, California. He is a past president and Founding Fellow of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy (now the Academy of Cognitive and Behavior Therapies). He was chairman and founding member of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy. He has been providing cognitive-behavioral therapy for over 30 years.