Introduction 15
C H A P T E R 1
Integration of states as a response to the challenges of our time 21
1.1. The origins of the merger of states in light of historical experience 22
1.2. The role of law in the cultural circles of Europe and Southeast Asia 31
1.3. The model of an efficient state: between the European idée fixe of liberal democracy and the Confucian ideal of meritocracy 41
1.4. The need for the integration of states as a consequence of global economic development? 48
1.5. Environmental protection as a new determinant of economic development 58
1.6. Integration of states vs. globalization 71
C H A P T E R 2
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations as an attempt at a new regional opening in international relations 83
2.1. Socio-economic determinants of the formation of ASEAN 85
2.2. Evolution of ASEAN as a regional political organization 94
2.3. Between politics and policy, or the (in)possibility of good governance policies implementation in ASEAN countries 109
2.4. European socio-political signposts as determinants of regional development paths in Southeast Asia? . . . . . . 117
C H A P T E R 3
Toward the future: from rivalry to cooperation 131
3.1. ASEAN as an example of the need for a paradigm shift in socioeconomic development 133
3.2. The evolution of state subjectivity versus the subsidiary functioning of international organizations 144
3.3. In search of a model of regional economic cooperation of Southeast Asian countries 154
3.4. The European Union: an example to follow or merely a trading partner? 165
3.5. From a common vehicular language to the idea of a common currency of ASEAN countries 175
Bibliography 187