Book cover Idea wolności jednostki – właściciela zabytku w Unii Europejskiej

Idea wolności jednostki – właściciela zabytku w Unii Europejskiej

Pages: 366 Book format: 15,8x23,5 cm Publish date: 17.07.2023 E-book publication date: 12.10.2023

Book description

In the monograph entitled. „The idea of freedom of anindividual - the owner of a monument in the European Union in the context of the model of administrative penalties in Polish law” addressed the issue of the relationship of the owner of the monument and his rights under the law of property in relation to the protection of the monument, which is the designator of cultural heritage. The aim of the research was to develop a coherent model for the protection of the rights of the individual who is the owner of the monument in the European Union and Poland at the scientific level, as well as proposals for the European Union and the Polish legislator also in terms of the system of administrative penalties in the law of cultural heritage protection. The paper analyzes the idea of freedom from the perspective of representative and selected philosophical currents, as well as the freedom of the individual in a democratic state of law, takes up the civilist issue of property rights as a key element of individual freedom, analyzes the protection of monuments as a basis for li miting property rights, addressed the issue of administrative penalties as an element of monument protection affecting the legal and factual situation of the owner of monuments, made comparative studies of German, Austrian, French, Italian and Maltese law in the subject area, and created a model of the relationship of individual freedom - the owner of a monument in the context of monument protection in the European Union, ta king into account the model of administrative penalties of a de lege ferenda nature.
Language Polish
Title in English The idea of freedom of anindividual - the owner of a monument in the European Union in the context of the model of administrative penalties in Polish law
Edition first
Authors Adam Kozień
Cover design Agnieszka Mitoraj
ISBN: 978-83-233-5229-7
e-ISBN (pdf): 978-83-233-7430-5

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