1. Introduction 7
2. The psychology of human development in late adulthood 9
2.1. Changes in psycho-physical development 9
2.2. Changes in psycho-social development 12
3. Work and unemployment in an ageing society 19
3.1. The role of work in human life 20
3.2. Employment and careers of late adulthood 25
3.3. Success and failure in the flexible labour market 30
4. Diagnosis of the situation of the unemployed over fifty – the analysis of the research findings 33
4.1. Reasons of the 50+ for searching for a job 36
4.1.1. The role of social support in unemployment 40
4.1.2. The contents of psychological contract characterising the unemployed 50+ 55
4.2. Potential professional activity of the 50+ in flexible forms of employment 63
4.2.1. Satisfaction of the job in people over 50 77
4.2.2. Psychological costs of the unemployed over 50 89
4.2.3. Perception of personal assets by the unemployed 50+ 93
4.2.4. Psychological dimension of flexibility in people over 50 95
4.2.5. Attitudes towards work of people over fifty 102
4.2.6. Assertiveness as a basic social competence of people over 50 105
4.2.7. The sense of self-efficacy in people 50+ 117
5. Presentation of the results of selected psychological measures 121
5.1. Psychological costs and demographic variables 121
5.2. Perception of self-efficacy and demographic variables 124
5.3. Personal flexibility and demographic variables 128
5.4. Attitudes towards work and demographic variables 131
5.5. Assertive skills and demographic variables 136
5.6. Job satisfaction and demographic variables 139
5.7. Relation between personal flexibility and psychological costs 143
5.8. Relation between personal flexibility and perception of self-efficacy 147
5.9. Relation between personal flexibility and a skill of assertive behaviour 151
5.10. Relation between personal flexibility and job satisfaction 154
5.11. Relation between the perception of self-efficacy and assertive skills 158
6. Practical implications for preparing a strategy of solving social problems of professional integration of people in late adulthood 163
7. Conclusion 169
Bibliography 171
Abstract (Polish) 183
Abstract (English) 185