Book cover Censorship of Literature in Post-War Poland
Table of Contents, Reviews

Censorship of Literature in Post-War Poland

In Light of the Confidential Bulletins for Censors from 1945 to 1956

Pages: 374 Book format: 16,8x24 cm Publication date: 2022

Book description

Censorship of Literature in Post-War Poland in the Light of Confidential Bulletins for Censors from 1945 to 1956, reconstructs and presents ways to censor literature (and, contextually, other fields of art) submitted for evaluation to the main censorship office in Poland during the first 11 years after WWII. The source material consists of confidential Bulletins – periodicals addressed to the officials of the censorship office.

Part One: In Search of a Definition: What Were the Confidential Bulletins for Censors? Characteristics of the Source Material presents basic information about the Bulletins – their goals, structure, and material presented in them. The analysis concludes with the definition of confidential Bulletins of the censorship office.

Part Two: Literature and Current Literary Phenomena Preconstructs the image of literary life presented in the Bulletins from 1945 to 1956. On numerous occasions, the Bulletins provided helpful guidelines in censorship practice. They discussed the job of dealing with literary texts and often gave examples of works published just a few months earlier or those that had not passed the scrutiny.

The author’s focus on a relatively neglected field of censorship research – the bulletins – and attempt to provide a systematic account of their role and nature marks the key innovative aspect of the work. I deeply appreciate and admire the colossal labour that the author has undertaken to produce the text, especially in the extremely difficult circumstances that we have had to endure these past two years.
Dr. John M. Bates, University of Glasgow

The reviewed publication will enable foreign readers to get an insight into how the system of control and repression operated in Poland during the Stalinist era. Furthermore, it will familiarize them with the history of Poland, including Polish literature of that period.
Prof. Kamila Kamińska-Chełminiak, University of Warsaw

Wiśniewska-Grabarczyk’s monograph is based on rich source material and is of great intellectual value. The publication of the book in English will further research on communist censorship in Central and Eastern Europe in the context of comparative analysis.
Prof. Sławomir Buryła, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn

Abour author

Anna Wiśniewska-Grabarczyk is an assistant professor at the University of Lodz, Poland. Her research focuses on censorship in the times of the Polish People’s Republic, however being a writer and literary critic, she has penned several dozen of books, articles (including non-academic ones), and opinion pieces.

She is a laureate of the Polityka award and the University of Lodz Foundation Award for the best master’s thesis. She was also acknowledged by the committee of the Władysław Pobóg-Malinowski Competition for the Best History Début of the Year for her book Czytelnik ocenzurowany. Literatura w kryptotekstach – recenzjach cenzorskich okresu stalinizmu (na materiale GUKPPiW z 1950 roku) [Czytelnik Publishing Cooperative Censored. Literature in Cryptotexts – Censor Reviews from the Stalinist Era (based on the Main Office for the Control of the Press, Publications, and Public Performances Materials from 1959)]. In 2022, she was nominated for the Ministry of Science and Higher Education Award for her achievements in the academic field.

She is the main researcher in several national and international grants and a recipient of a scholarship from the Maurycy Mochnacki Foundation. She is a member of the Editorial Committee of the journal Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica, the Genetic and Documentary Research in Literature, the Polish Academy of Sciences, and a former member of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences of America (PIASA).

For her novel Porzeczkowy Józef [Currant Josef ] she was nominated for the Witold Gombrowicz Literary Prize. She is the author of the children's radio drama Spożywczy bigiel. Mrożące sok w listkach przygody Szpinaka Alberta [The Food Melting Pot. Juice-Freezing Adventures of Albert the Spinach] and children's book about censorship, entitled Marcelina Kolano ratuje książki, czyli o znikających stronach i książkobójcach z ulicy Mysiej [Marcelina Kolanko rescues books. On vanishing pages and book killers from Mysia Street].
Language English
Edition first
ISBN: 978-83-233-5191-7

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