Table of Contents
Acknowledgments 9
Introduction. The Age of Authors, the Age of Biography 11
Chapter One. Biographical-Novel-about-a-Writer – the Genre and Its Hybridity 25
1.1. A Biographical Novel: towards a Definition of the Genre 25
1.2. Hybridity of Biographical Novel: on the Palimpsestuous Nature of the Genre 30
1.2.1. Pastiche 32
1.2.2. Forgery 33
1.2.3. Unfaithful Continuation or Supplement 35
1.2.4. Transposition 36 Translation 37 Translation Simple 38 Augmentation/Excision 39 Thematic Transformations (Semantic, Diegetic, Pragmatic) 43 Transmotivation 47 Transvaluation 49
Chapter Two. The Many Lives of Henry James 53
2.1. Time and Spirit 53
2.2. Lost in Translation 57
2.3. The Story Won’t Tell 94
Chapter Three. Versions of Virginia Woolf: ‘No More False than They Are True’? 97
3.1. Truth and Falsity of Life-Writing 97
3.2. Stories Re-Told, Lives Re-Lived 100
3.3. ‘There Are Some Stories that Have to Be Retold by Each Generation’ 122
Chapter Four. J.M. Coetzee and the Labyrinth of Life-Writing 127
4.1. Authority and Fiction 127
4.2. Rewriting Lives, Retelling Stories 128
4.3. Age of Iron, Age of Disguise 141
4.4. Writing the Other, Writing the Self 150
4.5. The Double .. 161
Conclusion: Et après? 165