This volume is a guide to the Prague Quadrennial set design exhibitions (1999-2019). It problematizes exhibitions as montages of images (based on the concept of A. Warburg as interpreted by G. Didi-Huberman). In the texts, the understanding of exhibitions is based on the internet archive, the work of V. Ptáčková and V. Adamczyk, „A Mirror of World Theater. The Prague Quadrennial 1967-1991” as well as the author's own memory of exhibitions she saw in the years 1999-2019 and reviewed for the ”Didaskalia” journal. A critical approach to the concept of the exhibition allows presenting the historical changes that took place both in stage conventions and in curatorial practices. The article proposes an oscillation between thinking about expositions of set design in terms of re-materialization of traces of theatre performances and creative processes, and the phenomenological experience of the emergence of the traces of art in relation to the audience in the area of the exhibition "here and now".
Abour author
Katarzyna Fazan - profesor in Faculty of Polish Studies, Jagiellonian University, Kraków