Book cover Niechciane myśli i silne emocje

Niechciane myśli i silne emocje

Jak je zrozumieć i nad nimi zapanować

Translation: Agnieszka Kasprzyk

Series: Psyche / Soma

Pages: 224 Book format: 15,5x23 cm Publication date: 2024 Publication date: 22.03.2024 E-book publication date: 29.07.2024

Book description

Do you have obsessive, negative, intrusive thoughts that keep you up at night and miserable during the day? Do these thoughts make you feel sad, angry, anxious, or ashamed? Whether you have a formal diagnosis such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), or borderline personality disorder (BPD)--or simply struggle with unwanted thoughts and the emotions they cause--this workbook can help you find the relief you desperately seek.

Written by two pioneers in the field of mental health, this workbook combines two powerfully effective treatments to address relentless, intrusive, and unwanted thoughts--as well as the painful and intense emotions these thoughts can trigger. In this evidence-based workbook, you'll find an innovative blend of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) skills to manage obsessive, self-blaming, judgmental, and catastrophic thoughts--and find lasting emotional balance.

About Authors

Jon Hershfield, MFT, is director of The Center for OCD and Anxiety at Sheppard Pratt in Towson, MD. He specializes in the use of mindfulness and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and related disorders. Jon is a member of the Scientific and Clinical Advisory Board of the International OCD Foundation, and is on the faculty of their Behavioral Therapy Training Institute. He is author of Overcoming Harm OCD, When a Family Member Has OCD, and The OCD Workbook for Teens; and coauthor of The Mindfulness Workbook for OCD and Everyday Mindfulness for OCD.

Blaise Aguirre, MD, is assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, and an expert in child, adolescent, and adult psychotherapy, including dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), He is founding medical director of McLean 3East--a continuum of care using DBT and related techniques to treat complex psychiatric disorders including borderline personality disorder (BPD).
Language Polish
Original title The Unwanted Thoughts and Intense Emotions Workbook: CBT and DBT Skills to Break the Cycle of Intrusive Thoughts and Emotional Overwhelm
Original language English
Edition first
Translation Agnieszka Kasprzyk
Cover design Jan Paluch
ISBN: 978-83-233-5364-5
e-ISBN (pdf): 978-83-233-7548-7
Country of producer: Poland

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