Eksperymentalna sieć leksykalna języka polskiego

Książka z płytą CD

Pages: 410 Book format: B5 Publication date: 2017 Publication date: 19.06.2017

Book description

An Experimental Lexical Network of the Polish Language  is an experimental model of the lexical system of the Polish. It was created as a result of the two cycles of the free word association test, which uses 322 stimuli, attended by 900 people. Obtained experimentally lexical network is built with 10448 nodes (lexemes) and 35170 links (connections) between nodes. Qualitative analysis of relationship occurring between lexemes (nodes) shows that a experimentally built network has a structure of a dictionary. The qualitative analysis of network connections indicate that hyponymy and meronymy equally organize the structure of the dictionary. But paradigmatic relationships allow to interpret only half of the direct link between lexemes (nodes). In order to make a qualitative analysis of the relationship between lexemes (nodes in the network) Izabela Gatkowska built determinants of the quality of relationships for syntagmatic connections. Qualitative classification of links allows to detect an experimental model of lexical meaning. Experimental network also provides information about meanings preferred by native speakers. Attached to the book CD contains graphs representing subnets specific for lexemes discussed in the monograph. The book should be of interest to linguists, psychologists, cognitive scientists, cultural anthropologists and computational linguists.

"The work I think it is valuable in terms of methodology, theory and material used as it brings an extension to the previous descriptions of semantic lexical structure of the contemporary Polish performing an experimental study of language competence of different groups of users based on their associations of words from others."
(From review by Prof. Henryk Wróbel).

 „Pracę uważam za wartościową pod względem metodologicznym, teoretycznym i materiałowym jako rozszerzenie stosowanego dotychczas opisu struktury semantyczno-leksykalnej współczesnej polszczyzny o eksperymentalne badania kompetencji językowej różnych grup jej użytkowników na podstawie skojarzeń jednych leksemów z innymi."
(Z recenzji prof. dra hab. Henryka Wróbla).

Izabela Gatkowska - linguist, neurolinguist, assistant professor in the Department of Computational Linguistics at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. The author of the monograph The Diagnosis of Dysarthria in Adults in Clinical Neurology (WUJ, 2012), co-author (with M. Rudzińska, A. Szczudlik and E. Mirek), Parkinson's Disease, a Guide for Patients and Their Families (WUJ, 2009), co-editor (with W. Lubaszewski) User Interface for Persons with Visual Dysfunction. The Cognitive Model and Sample of Good Practices (WUJ, 2013).
ISBN: 978-83-233-4260-1
Country of producer: Poland


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