Doświadczenia polsko-żydowskie w literaturze emigracyjnej (1939-1980)

Pages: 286 Book format: B5 Publication date: 2008 Publication date: 25.11.2008

Book description

In his book dedicated to the Polish-Jewish relationships Kazimierz Adamczyk reconstructs the émigré awareness: he points to the extension of the Polish anti-Semitic phobias and largely focuses on the tragic Holocaust heritage. He tries to bring closer the most important discussions connected with the issue in question, taking into account the cultural, social and religious basis of the difficult dialogue of the Poles and the Jews. The author confronts the Jewish topics present in Polish literature in exile and in the country after World War II. He refers to particular writers, genres and styles, circles and Polish cultural institutions abroad.

In the reviewed work we come across the reports and divagations that are rarely discussed or entirely unknown in Poland and that testify to the “moral collapse" and to the anti-Semitic post-Holocaust attitudes that are difficult to understand, but on the other hand justice is done to the victims of the mass crime. Here, on a number of levels, directly and indirectly, in literature, journalism, historiography, social psychology and philosophy a great debate about the Jews and the Poles is taking place. It is about the possibilities of mutual understanding and about the reasons for the persistent misunderstanding, but above all about the meaning of the Shoah experience.

(An excerpt from the review by Professor doctor habilitated Wojciech Ligęza )

ISBN: 978-83-233-2580-2


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