Peer Review Procedure

The Jagiellonian University Publishing House hands the submitted text to an expert in a given academic discipline with a post-doctoral degree for review. When selecting the reviewer, the Publisher may use the list of potential reviewers submitted by the Author in the application form. The reviewers shall not have direct personal relations (kinship, legal relations, conflict), professional subordination and direct scientific cooperation with the Author.

The review should be in writing and must end with an unequivocal opinion on whether or not the work is eligible for publication.

- The reviewer assesses the level of merit, originality of approach and validity of research, methodology, correctness of the formulated conclusions and the manner of presentation.

- The review should be fair, impartial, reliable, constructive, knowledgeable and timely.

- The reviewer is obliged to signal possible plagiarism, suspicion of plagiarism or unnecessary (duplicate) publication, as well as misrepresentation of data (data manipulation).

- The reviewer is obliged not to disclose the contents of the publication to unauthorized persons.

- In case of a negative or ambiguously positive assessment of the reviewer, the Publisher has the right to decline the submitted text.

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