
Open and paid access scientific journals are published on the Academic Journals Portal Founded in 2014, the portal has already become one of the most important Polish and internationally recognized sites for the presentation and dissemination of high-quality academic content. At present, the Portal contains over 100 journals from 25 universities and institutions throughout Poland.

Each journal has its own individual, autonomous website which is the main site of presentation of academic contents in its original and English language version. All articles automatically receive DOI numbers.

The journals are indexed in the most important databases corresponding to its subject matter and standard, including Scopus, Web of Science, EBSCO, CEEOL, DOAJ, Proquest, ERIHPLUS, CEJSH, JSTOR, ATLA and others. We also provide assistance and support in the process of meeting the criteria and applications to the most important international academic databases, such as Web of Science, Scopus, Erih Plus.

All academic articles are efficiently searched and positioned by the Google search engine. The content of the journals is indexed in Google Scholar.

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tel. (12) 663-23-97

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