Języki i społeczności w Europie wczesnonowożytnej

Translation: Agnieszka Szurek

Series: Historiai

Pages: 314 Book format: 15x23 cm Publication date: 2009 Publication date: 01.12.2009

Book description

Languages and Communities in Early Modern Europe

Peter Burke explores major themes in the social and cultural history of the languages spoken or written in Europe between the invention of printing and the French Revolution. One theme is the relation between languages and communities and the place of language as a way of identifying others, as well as a symbol of one's own identity. A second, linked theme is that of competition: between Latin and the vernaculars, different vernaculars, dominant and subordinate, and different varieties of the same vernacular.
Authors Peter Burke
Translation Agnieszka Szurek
ISBN: 978-83-233-2780-6
Country of producer: Poland


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