Table of Contents, Reviews

Crime without Punishment…

The Extermination and Suffering of Polish Children during the German Occupation 1939-1945

Edited by: Janina Kostkiewicz

Pages: 272 Book format: 15,8x23,5 cm Publication date: 2020 Publication date: 27.05.2020 E-book publication date: 16.06.2021

Book description

When a person having a certain degree of knowledge on historic events in Europe listens to the contemporary academic, publicist, or political discourse, they are faced with a great lie on the topic of World War II, which consists, among others, in narratives using the phrase “Polish death camps” and accuse Poles of participation in the Holocaust of Jews. This assumption, held by modern Western people, contradicts historic facts and yet appears to be so common that even the President of the United States, Barack Obama, spoke of “Polish death camps”. The Western world of the present day does not seem to notice that these camps were built by the Germans within Polish territory under occupation; that it was the Germans who exterminated, first and foremost, Polish citizens.

The present book aims to provide a comprehensive outline of the issues of extermination, Germanization, and the suffering of Polish children under the German occupation. The authors realize that German crimes against Polish children were accompanied by crimes against Poles committed by Soviets and Ukrainians (the massacre of Poles in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia lasted from 1943 until 1947).

With this monograph, we wish to pay tribute to Polish child victims of World War II. The whole world knows about the child victims of the Jewish Holocaust and justly commemorates them. Yet, the world has remained silent on the holocaust of Polish children, silent on the subject of their extermination and martyrdom. Will the world still refuse to know?
from The Introduction
Language English
Edition first
Edited by Janina Kostkiewicz
ISBN: 978-83-233-4806-1
e-ISBN (pdf): 978-83-233-7093-2
Country of producer: Poland


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