The Enduring Legacy of Solo W. Baron

A Commemorative Volume on his 120th Birthday

Edited by: Edward Dąbrowa, Hava Tirosh-Samuelson

Pages: 336 Book format: B5 Publication date: 2017 Publication date: 01.06.2017

Book description

Salo W. Baron (1895-1989) was the most important and influential Jewish historian in the 20th century. This volume is based on an international conference organized by the Center for Jewish Studies at Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona in the United States and the Institute of Jewish Studies at Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland. The conference was held at Jagiellonian University, May 26-29, 2015 to celebrate Baron’s 120th birthday. The volume explores Baron’s biography and life experience, assesses Baron’s contribution to the various sub-disciplines of Jewish studies, and evaluates Baron’s integration of scholarly commitment and communal involvement.

Jewish Studies at Arizona State University
offers a modern approach to interdisciplinary Jewish studies. Our unique academic program and research center hybrid serves as an intellectual resource for all aspects of the Jewish experience, from philosophical and political viewpoints to the study of Judaism. Through undergraduate and graduate courses, research conferences, public lectures and more, we’re committed to fostering critical inquiry and scholarly entrepreneurship as we disseminate accurate information about Jewish culture and enhance the quality of Jewish life in the Phoenix metropolitan area and around the world. Our community of students, faculty and staff understand knowledge is inseparable from identity and it transforms the present and future.

Institute of Jewish Studies of the Jagiellonian University is the first, and only, academic institution in Poland offering undergraduate and graduate studies in Jewish studies and under the name JUDAISTYKA. Students have also the opportunity to continue their studies in the doctoral program, which is coordinated within the Faculty of History, with training and academic supervision provided
by the faculties of the Institute of Jewish Studies. The Institute has a great deal to offer bachelors and masters graduates – special postgraduate studies including courses in selected aspects of the history and culture of the Jews and seminars raising professional qualifications.
ISBN: 978-83-233-4282-3
Country of producer: Poland


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