Book cover Dehumanizujące aspekty zautomatyzowanych procesów magazynowania

Dehumanizujące aspekty zautomatyzowanych procesów magazynowania

Pages: 206 Book format: 15,8x23,5 cm Publication date: 2024 Publication date: 09.05.2024

Book description

Since the First Industrial Revolution the persue to automate work in order to minimize the direct participation of people has been present, causing a profound change in human activity and lifestyle. A new era of automation in which machines equal or even exceed human capabilities has began with modern technology, progress in robotics, the use of Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and the Internet of Things. Nowadays, the main emphasis in management is placed on optimization and increased efficiency resulting from the use of modern technology, without taking into account the needs of employed people. Automation of warehouse processes, optimizing the tasks performed in the warehouse, is currently a way to meet market’s requirements, such as high efficiency, demanding consumers, complexity and high competition. 

Nowadays a modern warehouse cannot function effectively without the use of sophisticated modern technology and there is no doubt, that the progress of automation will not lead to a complete disappearance of human work. People will still need to do some work by collaborating and interacting with various devices and machines. Systematic analysis are necessary due to the multi-layered work impact on people, as it affects not only the individual, his or her personality and somatics, but also shapes living conditions and affects entire societies. On the one hand continuous process improvement results in better KPIs, on the other affects the health of employees. This context makes research in the area of dehumanization of work and automation of warehouse processes extremely important.  

The monograph undertakes research in the area of automation of warehouse processes and analysis of the human-machine relationship in the realities of modern technology in order to assess its impact on the phenomenon of dehumanization. Factors that dehumanize work in an automated warehouse were also identified and classified. Currently existing theories were verified, literature on logistics and warehousing, modern technologies used in warehousing processes, automation and its impact on human work, humanization of work and factors that dehumanized work were identified. Preventing dehumanization and finding ways to limit it is an extremely important issue for modern enterprises, regardless of the economic sector
Language Polish
Title in English Dehumanizing Aspects of Automated Warehousing Processes
Edition first
Cover design Marta Jaszczuk
ISBN: 978-83-233-5363-8
e-ISBN (pdf): 978-83-233-7547-0


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