Book cover Innymi słowami. Umiejętności tłumacza

Innymi słowami. Umiejętności tłumacza

Wybór prac

Edited by: Ewa Rajewska


Book format: 15,8x23,5 cm Publication date: 2025

Book description

In Other Words. Skills of a Translator by Edward Balcerzan reflects not only the breadth and diversity of translation studies interests and methodological views of this doyen of the Poznan school of translatology, one of the most eminent Polish humanists and writers of the 20th and first decades of the 21st century, but also the most significant trends in the evolution of his theoretical thought and the transformation of his research language. The volume contains Balcerzan’s most important translational works in chronological order, from the 1967 sketch Polish Ajgi to the lecture Epistemology of Translation: Implicit and Explicit, delivered at the opening of the First Congress of Polish Translation Studies on 19th May 2022 at Jagiellonian University in Krakow. All texts have been reviewed by the author and are accompanied by his foreword which is essentially a lecture on the original theory of translation as a subjective linguistic event involving ‘the displacement of the process of interpersonal communication into the realm of individual self-communication’ and the concept of the translator as the perpetrator of the ‘second existence of the text’. The final part of the volume is his 2021 interview with Ewa Rajewska. The volume is complemented by an index of contents, an index of names and bibliography of Edward Balcerzan's translation works. In Other Words. Skills of a Translator brings a multidimensional portrait of an unquestionable classic of Polish translational thought, as well as an outstanding literary scholar.
Language Polish
Title in English In Other Words. Skills of a Translator. Selected Works
Edition first
Edited by Ewa Rajewska
Cover design Agnieszka Mitoraj
ISBN: 978-83-233-5453-6
e-ISBN (pdf): 978-83-233-7626-2
Country of producer: Poland


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