Table of Contents, Reviews

The Future of Management. Entrepreneurship, Change and Flexibility

Edited by: Piotr Buła, Bogdan Nogalski

Pages: 264 Book format: 17x24 cm Publication date: 2019 E-book publication date: 24.05.2021

Book description

We believe that the world is standing on the very edge of the fastest industrial revolution ever. A revolution which will rapidly increase the efficiency of many production processes. Automation (both mechanical and the one happening with computer processes) will reduce the demand for human work and release a huge amount of time we can use for further development.
With this book we try to provide the reader with information about various aspects of life and the socio-economic environment. For this purpose, we have invited authors representing the leading scientific research centers in Poland and specialists from foreign universities. 
Piotr Buła
Bogdan Nogalski

The monograph stands out from the publications related to change management in the context of entrepreneurial opportunities and flexibility of the organization. The authors attempt to integrate retrospective and prognostic approaches, so they not only assess the current status, but also point to challenges for management science. The work has been prepared by scholars whose authority in management sciences is undisputed.
I positively assess the empirical and methodological layer of individual chapters of the monograph. Discussing the results of their scientific and research work, the authors presented the determinants of management processes described from the perspective of entrepreneurial opportunities and flexibility of the organization.
Szymon Cyfert

Piotr Bula, Ph.D.,
Associate Professor and Head of the Chair at International Management Department of Cracow University of Economics (Poland). Since 2004 Director of Cracow School of Business CUE, and since the year 2005 he has been in charge of the organization gathering School's MBA programs graduates - CSB Alumni MBA Club. He has experience related to participation in the supervisory authority of commercial companies.Awarded with the prestigious title of Polish Congresses Ambassador for his achievements in the area of promoting Poland and Cracow as a venue for international congresses and conferences (2010). Author or co-author of over 100 scientific publications, research works and implementation projects, as well as 44 press publications and expert opinions. The above mentioned scientific publications concern the scope of organization and management, particularly: risk management, internal audit, corporate governance, management strategy, logistic audit, and management of enterprises with increased risk. Author of many analyzes and publications in the field of economic consulting for enterprises and the public sector.

Bogdan Nogalski Full Professor, Ph.D., Honoris Causa, Member of Committee on Organizational and Management Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Professor at the Department of Management and Finance, WSB University in Gdansk (Poland). Former Rector of University of Business and Administration in Gdynia and Director of Institute of Organization and Management, University of Gdansk (Poland).
Language English
Edition first
ISBN: 978-83-233-4845-0
e-ISBN (pdf): 978-83-233-7124-3
Country of producer: Poland

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