Book cover Księżniczka Bari

Księżniczka Bari

Translation: Dominika Chybowska-Jang

Series: Seria z Żurawiem

Pages: 240 Book format: 13,7x20,5 cm Publication date: 2023 Publication date: 24.10.2023 E-book publication date: 09.11.2023
Jagiellonian University Press imprint Bo.wiem

Book description

In a drab North Korean city, a seventh daughter is born to a couple longing for a son. Abandoned hours after her birth, she is eventually rescued by her grandmother. The old woman names the child Bari, after a legend telling of a forsaken princess who undertakes a quest for an elixir that will bring peace to the souls of the dead. As a young woman, frail, brave Bari escapes North Korea and takes refuge in China before embarking on a journey across the ocean in the hold of a cargo ship, seeking a better life. She lands in London, where she finds work as a masseuse. Paid to soothe her clients' aching bodies, she discovers that she can ease their more subtle agonies as well, having inherited her beloved grandmother's uncanny ability to read the pain and fears of others. Bari makes her home amongst other immigrants living clandestinely. She finds love in unlikely places, but also suffers a series of misfortunes that push her to the limits of sanity. Yet she has come too far to give in to despair - Princess Bari is a captivating novel that leavens the grey reality of cities and slums with the splendour of fable. Hwang Sok-yong has transfigured an age-old legend and made it vividly relevant to our own times.

Abour Author

Born in 1943, Hwang Sok-yong is one of Asia's most renowned authors. A tireless human-rights activist, he was sentenced in 1993 to seven years in a South Korean prison (serving five) for a 'breach of national security', after making unauthorised trips to North Korea to promote openness between the two countries. He is the recipient of South Korea's most prestigious literary prizes, and has been shortlisted for the Prix Femina Etranger.
Title in English Princess Bari
Original title 바리데기 (Baridegi)
Original language Corean
Edition first
Authors Hwang Sok-yong
Cover design Małgorzata Flis
ISBN: 978-83-233-5294-5
e-ISBN (mobi,epub): 978-83-233-7493-0

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