Dr Agnieszka Sylwia Staszczyk is a graduate of Indian Philology and Art History at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. She completed her doctoral studies at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. Currently, she works in a research and teaching position at the Jagiellonian University. She conducts language classes, subjects presenting cultural phenomena of the Indian subcontinent, mainly in the field of visual culture. She is also a trainer of cross-cultural competences and conducts workshops preparing for work in multicultural environment. The author’s research interests include socio-cultural and religious aspects of artistic patronage, resulting in founding sanctuaries or images of deities, as well as beliefs and stories related to them. She conducted projects in this area and published numerous articles and books presenting their results. She participated in field trips, scholarships as well as in international conferences and workshops. She is a member of several organisations associating researchers of Asian art, e.g. European Association for South Asian Archeology and Art.