Kożuch Barbara

Fragments of the author's books

Faces of Contemporary Management

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTIONBarbara Mazur, Green Human Resources ManagementAlgirdas Giedraitis, Rimantas Stašys, Working Group’s Value Orientation within a Construction CompanyMonika Konieczny, Gamifi ed Agile – Innovative Tool to Improve Communication between the Product Owner and the Development Team Erika Župerkienė, Aurimas Župerka, Julius Paulikas, The Role of Training while Helping Organisations to Overcome Tesistance to InnovationsJoanna Szymonek, Fostering Responsible Business Conduct in Foreign Di ... Go to book's page

Author's publications

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of 1 pages
ed.Barbara Kożuch , Katarzyna Sienkiewicz-Małyjurek

Faces of Contemporary Management


46.20 zł
36.96 zł
of 1 pages

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