Siwor Dorota

Affiliation : Jagiellonian University in Kraków ORCID ID : 0000-0001-5506-8334


PhD, literary scholar, associate professor at the Faculty of Polish Studies (Jagiellonian University), a specialist in the history of 20th century Polish literature, co-founder and editor of “Cultural Contexts”, president of the association Czuli Barbarzyńcy - Razem dla Europy Środkowej (Tender Barbarians - Together for Central Europe), and co-founder of the Czuli barbarzyńcy Festival devoted to contemporary Czech literature and culture. Her main interests include mythicization in contemporary literature, Central European literature, the works of Tadeusz Nowak and post-1989 Polish fiction and non-fiction. Editor and co-editor of numerous collective volumes.

Author's publications

7 products Show
of 1 pages
Book cover „Odcisk palca – rozległy labirynt”
ed.Mateusz Antoniuk , Dorota Siwor

„Odcisk palca – rozległy labirynt”


46.20 zł
36.96 zł
Book cover „Odcisk palca – rozległy labirynt”
ed.Mateusz Antoniuk , Dorota Siwor

„Odcisk palca – rozległy labirynt”


46.20 zł
36.96 zł
ed.Stanisław Gawliński , Dorota Siwor

Dwie dekady nowej (?) literatury


34.65 zł
27.72 zł
Out of stock
ed.Stanisław Gawliński , Dorota Siwor

Dwie dekady nowej (?) literatury


34.65 zł
27.72 zł
Book cover Zagajewski
ed.Dorota Siwor



46.20 zł
36.96 zł
Book cover Zagajewski
ed.Dorota Siwor



46.20 zł
36.96 zł
Book cover Zagajewski
ed.Dorota Siwor


(Slightly damaged book)

46.20 zł
30.03 zł
of 1 pages

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