Kamińska-Tarkowska Sonia

Affiliation : Jagiellonian University, Poland


Sonia Kamińska-Tarkowska, PhD, philosopher and translator currently working at the Institute of Philosophy at the Jagiellonian University. Her areas of expertise and interest are Aristotle’s nous poiêtikos, Franz Brentano’s Aristotle (Brentotle) and Franz Kafka’s Metamorphosis.

Author's publications

2 products Show
of 1 pages
Sonia Kamińska-Tarkowska

Brentano i jego Arystoteles


39.90 zł
31.92 zł
Sonia Kamińska-Tarkowska

Spirits in the material world


46.20 zł
36.96 zł
of 1 pages

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